Dumb History of Abhishek Gorla

Dumb History of Abhishek Gorla


This is Abhishek Gorla typing. I’ll be wise and keep this short. 

People say life is too short, but i’m mot convinced. Everything suggests that it’s quite long; as long as I don’t watch it waste away. So, i’ve decided to squeeze in a few extra lives within this one. Welcome to this particular life of mine where I play a blogger.

In my past life, I tried to become a civil servant. But I soon realized, one cannot be servant and a rebel at the same time - that’s just not civil. So, that did not end well. For me. And then when I dared the dream to engineer again for the second time in the history of myself, fate chimed in, “That’s more like it!”. I love my Job at Amazon that I hate everyday. Life is like that.

Armed with the energy of a caffeinated squirrel and with the penchant to try anything at-least once (or twice if it does not involve heights), I fearlessly dive headfirst into the murky waters of the unknown, fully aware that I may emerge back looking more like a mud rat. If you ever see one, that’s likely me, folks.

I fail as if I have a million lives. Let me rephrase this with purpose: I make it a point to fail a million times by trying a million things. What else am I going to do with all this time. 

I am average as they come. I am my mother. I am my father. And I am the sum average of the countless people I encounter every day.

I am an imposter. Or so I thought. Hence it took the fifteen years for me to show you something that I write. But bright things first, I was all substance, no show.

Did I mention I am funny? That’s why I enjoy my own company so much. Stick around, and you’ll soon find out for yourself. I’ll make sure of it. 

Hope you find reading my words as enjoyable as I find writing them!

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